
What’s an Eye Examination?

An eye examination is a series of tests assessing your vision and your ability to focus on and discern objects, as well as other tests pertaining to the eyes. An eye exam is performed by a licensed Ophthalmologist or a licensed Optometrist.

At Millennium Eye Center, our doctors perform many different types and levels of eye examinations based upon your individual needs and insurance carrier requirements. To schedule your eye exam online, please click HERE or call us at 47-292-9812.

Why do we recommend an annual Eye Exam?

To preserve and protect your vision, we recommend an annual eye exam for everyone. At the Millennium Eye Center, we recommend an annual eye exam for both children and adults. An annual eye exam is vital to your eye health and to prevent eye-related problems. Also, the most common causes of blindness such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma show no signs at an early stage. An eye exam is the best way to discover the health of your eyes. Let’s look deep into your eyes, and make sure they’re as awesome as you are!

Click HERE to request an appointment online or call us at (407) 292-9812!

3 Tips for Clear Vision for Life


Comprehensive Eye Examination

The comprehensive eye exam at the Millennium Eye Center takes about an hour or less depending on the case.  We will evaluate both your vision and the health of your eyes.  Each patient’s signs and symptoms, along with your optometrist’s professional judgment, will determine what tests your optometrist conducts. A comprehensive eye and vision examination may include but is not limited to, the following tests below…

Preliminary Testing Procedures

Before you meet with your doctor, an ophthalmic technician will welcome you and perform an initial assessment of your vision with a series of preliminary tests.  Upon reviewing your patient information, you may be asked several questions concerning your medical and vision history. All or most of the following eye tests will be performed.  Tests that are more specialized may be required depending on your condition…

Medical History

You’ll be asked about any eye or vision problems you are currently having and about your overall health. In addition, a patient history will include when your eye or vision symptoms began, medications you are taking, and any work-related or environmental conditions that may be affecting your vision. The doctor will also ask about any previous eye or health conditions you and your family members have experienced.

Color Vision.  The Ishihara Color Testing plates are used to determine the presence of red-green color deficiencies.

Depth Perception. A test to determine the presence of three-dimensional vision or stereopsis (binocular vision).  Determines the presence of conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (cross-eyes).

Auto Refraction.  Computer controlled instrument used to provide an objective measurement of your refractive error or prescription for glasses or contact lenses.  This quick, simple and painless test determines the depth and shape of the eyes by measuring how light is changed as it enters the eye.

Autokeratometry.  A computerized diagnostic instrument for measuring the curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea, particularly for assessing the extent and axis of astigmatism.

Corneal Topography (Keratography) – (Contact Lens Exams). A non-invasive medical imaging technique used for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea.  Provides a three-dimensional map of the cornea for fitting contact lenses and diagnosing and treating a number of medical conditions.

Visual Field Screening (FDT).  Utilizing the latest advancement in glaucoma technology, this simple yet sophisticated test helps detect glaucoma early and accurately.  The patient responds to patterns of flickering light in the instrument which calculates information.

Lensometry.  This computerized measurement of your current eyeglass prescription allows the doctor to determine if there is a change in your prescription.

Soft Touch Tonometry (I care) Eye Pressure.  This new devise tests the internal pressure of the eye for Glaucoma.  The small instrument uses a light probe to briefly contact the cornea. This barely noticed measurement replaces the “Puff of Air” device.

Exam Procedures

Visual acuity test.  You will be asked to read the letters or numbers of an electronic eye chart projected on the wall.  Progressively smaller letters are introduced as you read each line.  Each eye is covered as the other eye is tested.

Eye Focus and Eye Muscle Movement Test. To see a clear, single image, the eyes must effectively change focus, move and work in unison. An assessment of accommodation, ocular motility, and binocular vision determines how well your eyes focus, move, and work together. This testing will look for problems that keep your eyes from focusing effectively or make using both eyes together difficult. To test muscle strength and control, the doctor will ask you to visually track a target in different directions and observe your eye movements.

As part of a comprehensive eye exam, our doctor will perform an Ocular Motility Test to evaluate the Eye Movement. Your eye doctor will have you hold your head still and ask you to follow the slow movement of a hand light or other target with just your eyes.

Cover Test. This test will determine how well your eyes team together. As you focus on a small target some distance away, the doctor will cover and uncover each eye to observe how much your eyes move, watching for an eye that turns away from the target (strabismus). The test may be repeated with a target close to you.

Confrontation Visual Field Exam. The examiner will ask the patient to cover one eye and stare at the examiner. The examiner will then move her hand out of the patient’s visual field and then bring it back in. The patient signals the examiner when her hand comes back into view. This is frequently done by an examiner as a simple and preliminary test.

External Exam and Pupillary Reactions. The doctor will observe the pupil reactions when light and objects are introduced at a close distance. At the same time, the doctor will observe the exterior structures of your eye, examining for variations of the normal condition in the position of your eyelids and areas surrounding the eyes.

Retinoscopy.  This test helps to establish your prescription.  A streak of light will be directed into your eyes, as the examiner changes the lenses in an instrument (phoropter) in front of you.  You will be asked to observe the letters at a distance though.  Alternatively, an automated instrument (autorefractor) is used on our patients for the same purpose.

Refraction Testing. The results of the computerized autorefractor are used as a starting point to refine your prescription.  This is a series of questions, such as “Which is better, this or that?” while flipping back and forth between alternate lenses.  Your prescription is better defined by selecting a preferred lens.

Slit-lamp (biomicroscope). This is a microscope, called a slit lamp, which magnifies and lights up the front of your eye. The doctor uses it to detect several eye diseases and disorders by examining each structure of your eye, including the cornea, iris, lens, and anterior chamber.

Retinal Examination (ophthalmoscopy). Using a head-mounted light (binocular indirect) or an ophthalmoscope and pupil dilation, the doctor examines the inside structures of your eye, specifically the: retina, retinal blood vessels, vitreous, and optic nerve head.

Glaucoma Testing. This test may be performed as an alternate method to the Icare Tonometer test.  It determines if the fluid pressure inside your eyes is within a normal range.  Painless and taking just a few seconds, this test can be done in several ways.

The Applanation Tonometer Test. This is another technique of accurately measuring eye pressure. With drops numbing your eyes, a small device is barely touched to the front surface of each eye with a glowing, bright-blue tool to measure the pressure.

Pupil Dilation (enlargement). With your pupils fully enlarged, the doctor will examine the inside of the eyes using various instruments and lights. The pupil enlarging drops require approximately 20-30 minutes to take effect.  The drops result in increased light sensitivity and blurred vision (especially at near) These effects may last for several hours or longer thus it is important to wear sunglasses when leaving the office.

Eye Health Evaluation and Supplemental Testing

At the completion of the examination, your optometrist will evaluate all the test results to determine a diagnosis. He or she will discuss with you any visual or eye health problems and explain treatment options.

In some cases, your eye doctor may refer you to another optometrist or other health care provider for consultation or treatment. Additional testing may be needed based on the results of the previous tests to confirm or rule out possible problems, to clarify uncertain findings, or to provide a more in-depth assessment. Feel free to ask our doctor any questions you may have about your eye health.

Next Step

To schedule your annual eye exam, Click HERE or call us at (407) 292-9812!

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