A little over a year ago, my husband and I were planning to walk away from our practice. The day to day challenges of running an optometry practice had become too overwhelming and we wanted out. Fortunately for us, our plans to leave did not work out and we were forced to go back and re-build. It was excruciating. However, that is not the end of the story. We’re celebrating Millennium Eye Center Anniversary!
Today as I reflect over the past year, I am soooo grateful that things did not work out the way we planned. Because in less than one year, we raised our NET profit by 163% because we chose to do the work. We didn’t do anything extravagant, in fact we only did the following 3 simple things:

Wanna to learn how you can do it too? Stay tuned…
As we celebrate 17 years in business at this location, I could not be more proud of all that we’ve achieved. I am so grateful for all the failures, all the long days and nights, all the tears, all the disappointments and most of all, I am grateful for the resilience.
“You have to fight for your dreams and refuse to settle for nothing less than overflowing success!” – Dr. Lauretta Justin
Happy Anniversary Millennium Eye Center!!! Watch out world, this is only the beginning!
#CEOofYou #DrLaurettaJustin #Entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #Optometry
Schedule Your Eye Exam Today!
Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses
6601 Old Winter Garden Rd. #104, Orlando, FL 32835
Call/Text: 407-292-9812