Telehealth Visual Acuity Test Instructions…
- Print the attached Eye Chart and Place it 10 Feet Away.
- Select a well-lighted room that is at least 10 feet long.
- Tape or pin the printed chart on a bare wall, level with your eyes as you stand.
- Measure 10 feet from the wall you have selected to tape or pin your chart. You will stand here during the testing.
- If you wear glasses or contact lenses for distance vision, the glasses or contact lenses should be worn during the test.
- While standing at your 10-foot marker, cover one eye with your hand without applying any pressure. Make sure you have your eye fully covered during testing.
- Read the letters starting from the top. Continue to the bottom row or until the letters are too difficult to see.
- Write down the number of the smallest line seen correctly (the line with the majority of the letters correctly identified). Example: If you were able to read 5 out of 8 letters on line 8, you would write 20/20.
- Now repeat the test with the other eye covered and record the results.
*Keep your results saved so they may be reported to your doctor during your telehealth evaluation.
For any question, please call or text us at 407-292-9812.